Busy, Busy, Busy
Firstly, business is booming, and scheduling current and new clients is becoming increasingly more difficult! Not a bad problem to have, but we want to be able to serve and help everyone that we possibly can and in a timely manner. That said, we are looking for a part-time Physical Therapist to join our team as soon as possible! We’re looking for someone who has a teachable attitude and fantastic personality that will train under Lindsey and team to learn Counterstrain.
If you know someone who is qualified and would be interested in joining our team, contact us today!
Barre Class Schedule
We continue to offer Barre classes weekly on Monday and Friday mornings at 9, and Wednesdays at noon. We do have some new classes on the docket for hopefully this summer and going forward. Please stay tuned for further details! Our May-June Barre class schedule will be published soon!

Cold-Pressed Juice ... The Hot Ticket!
Our juicers are definitely staying busy to meet the demands of the people. We are juicing daily to keep our fridge and freezer stocked to accommodate! By popular vote, we will be bringing the cherry limeade back indefinitely starting this week. Stop in for a discounted 6-pack or sign up for a juice membership to keep your own fridge and freezer stocked monthly!